Working at a site without cell service shouldn’t prevent you from getting the job done. GIS Cloud’s Mobile Data Collection (MDC) application simplifies editing and gathering field data. It lets you and your team capture data from your job sites and update the databases remotely. The MDC ap...
The council, created in 2006, is chartered with protecting, restoring, and enhancing New York's ocean and Great Lakes ecosystems while taking into account sustainable economic development and job creation. The council is chaired by the commissioner of environmental conservation and is composed of ...
of the town. Depending on arrangement made, you can acquire material for water sports at the lake near Kivu Serena Hotel. Boat rides inside the lake to Amahoro or Napoleon Islands are organized. : On our second day of tour will visit the tea and coffee plantation ...
Of all remote sensing applications in the environment, riparian zones perhaps require the highest spatial resolution because of their small width. A Landsat-8 pixel might not be able to do the job here. 40. Assessing the environmental change and promoting biodiversity in parks There’s no kidding...