NSIDC Frozen Ground maps: Maps of various types of frozen ground (permafrost) in the Arctic and various other areas.Data can be downloaded by clicking on the map name then selecting 'Access Data' Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent (MAISE): Sea ice extent for the Northern Hemisphere from the...
bigquery-public-data.geo_us_boundaries.zip_codes (美国邮编区号分区) bigquery-public-data.new_york_citibike.citibike_stations (纽约 citybike 公共自行车租借站) 测试情境 使用「ST_DWithin」空间环境分析语法,选取邮编区号为「10026」或「10029」两区、以及距离此二区域外围300公尺內之所有 citybike 公共自行车...
加载地图数据,Web geodata->Basemap; 我们会发现出现错误,提示没有图像库image io。 Windows,键入 %appdata%,依次找插件路径,或者把下方路径中的2.82换成你的Blender版本即可。 C:\Users\Administrator\appData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.82\scripts\addons\BlenderGIS-master\core\lib\imageio\resources ...
加载地图数据,Web geodata->Basemap; 我们会发现出现错误,提示没有图像库image io。 Windows,键入 %appdata%,依次找插件路径,或者把下方路径中的2.82换成你的Blender版本即可。 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.82\scripts\addons\BlenderGIS-master\core\lib\imageio\resources ...
网址:reefbase.org/gis_maps/d 简介:全球珊瑚礁的GIS数据,包括广泛的属性数据。 名称:全球生物多样性信息网络(GBIF) 网址:gbif.org/ 简介:可以下载全球范围内的动植物多样性数据。 名称:世界土壤数据库 网址:westdc.westgis.ac.cn/da 简介:将来自许多国家的区域和国家土壤数据库和地图结合起来,分辨率为30弧秒。
data frame of your map. You can select your new projection from the window at the bottom. Navigate to “Predefined,” then “Projected Coordinate Systems,” then “World,” and finally to “WGS 1984 Web Mercator.” This is the projection used by Google Maps. Make sure that projection is ...
Whether you’re using Google Earth or Google Maps, they both can help you see the world with updated imagery, 3D topography, location data, and Street View information. The focus of Google Maps is onlocal navigationandrouting. Whereas Google Earth has a large education component and is stronge...
Google Maps、ESRI、国内的超图、中地等公司都创建了企业级数据和 API,但是通常使用软件、库、包,这些...
This is the format most likely to be known by non-GIS users, as it is the default file format of Google Earth. Unlike the other datasets covered here, KML does more than just store geometry and attribute data, it also contains lots of configuration options for Google Earth maps. ...
http://gac-geo.googlecnapps.cn/maps/vt?lyrs=s&x=%x&y=%y&z=%z 相关操作可直接查看下面视频: ▐天地图 跟添加谷歌影像一样,在Global Mapper中也可链接天地图数据。只不过天地图添加的是WMTS(这个跟ArcGIS一样) 至于天地图的WMTS,大家可去所需区域的天地图官方申请。也可以在网上找些他人公开分享的天地图...