Girls Who Code offers two Summer Programs: The Summer Immersion Program, a two-week experience to learn game design in live virtual classrooms while making friends and gaining practical college and career advice from industry leaders. Pathways, a six-week opportunity to explore some of the biggest...
Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organisation working to close the gender gap in technology by teaching computer science, bravery, and sisterhood. INTERESTED IN APPLYING TO OUR SUMMER PROGRAMS? Get the computer science skills you need to make an impact and prepare for a career in ...
Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organisation working to close the gender gap in technology by teaching computer science, bravery, and sisterhood. INTERESTED IN APPLYING TO OUR SUMMER PROGRAMS? Get the computer science skills you need to make an impact and prepare for a career in ...
-- Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 目前来说,计算机科学还是一个男性主导的领域。然而,幸运的是,现在有越来越多项目和资源致力于缩小计算机科学中的性别差距,其中一个引人注目的例子就是Girls Who Code的夏季沉浸计划(Summer Immersion Program,简称SIP)。参加SIP有很多优势,包括学习编程的机会与建立人脉关系...
Project>Login, a signature program of Educate Maine, is Maine's Community Partner for Girls Who Code. Community Partners can access resources and grant opportunities and help set up new clubs from Girls Who Code. In the Summer of 2021, P>L piloted a week-long, half-day Girls Who Code s...
The computer science majors are among more than 220 interns spending the summer at U.S. Bank Among the college students participating in the U.S. Bank summer internship program this year are three women who bring expertise they gained through Girls Who Code, which provid...
Girls Who Code focuses on closing the gender gap in technology and altering the public perception of programmers. The organization provides educational programs such as coding clubs for students, summer coding programs, and career support for college students to foster a community of women in technolo...
Girls Who Code: Directed by Timothy Lindenfelser. With Shannon Foster, Alexis Lindenfelser, Annabella Maupin. An international nonprofit organization that aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science from 3rd-12th grades with and
The Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is open to current 10th and 11th graders at no cost, and classes are made up of approximately 20 students. Instructors introduce themselves Code Instructors are a mix of industry professionals and Girls Who Code Alumni, all with degrees in a variety ...
Tarika Barrett, CEO, Girls Who Code Bridging the gap to industry Tyra Foster is a GWC alum and former Summer Immersion Program participant. For the past two summers, Tyra has worked at EA in between her time as a student at the University of Houston where she studies Digital Media. This...