WOT BLITZ- GIRLS UND PANZER HETZER AND WZ-111 STATS by DecoNoir MAY 31, 2017 Quick update from the mobile side of World of Tanks. Some new Girls und Panzer related content and stats for the WZ-111: Hetzer Kame HP: 440 Hull Armor: 60/20/8mm Weight: 16.41t Engine Power: 220hp Power...
【MOD资源】WoT..上百个基于《少女与战车》系列的涂装,用于山口丁闪电战。皆为自制。肝了好久,因强迫症 又常常易做出事倍功半的操作。。。反正现在完事发布了鸣谢:略。详见我在Mediafire发的国际发布版。附带:Dvpl
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