His body language isn't great--he's peckish, leans in a bit, his head is always turned towards her (like when he's sitting beside her in the mall). Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it's simply on account of his vast experience, which has given him insane calibration (which cann...
When I got home I decided it would be best to take a walk around the neighborhood to clear my mind. I found myself walking without a direction or second thought as to what I was doing or where I was going, until… I passed by the local coffee shop, and sitting outside under a sh...
“Relax your legs. Let them fall open.” Gentle pressure urged Ev’s legs apart. Ev thought his breathing sounded too loud in the quiet of the room. The light touch of Adam’s fingertips on the inside of Ev’s left knee sent a thrill to Ev’s cock. Inwardly, he groaned with dread...
Then came the touching—in his one-on-one study halls, where he’d play music and have her drape her legs over his; in the front seat of the van, where he’d have a hand on her thigh while other girls were in back. There were the mixtapes, the IMs and letters, which said thin...
We’re sitting cross-legged on the floor with our tacky cardboard altar between us. Underneath it we have a Bible (her idea) and Mom’s butcher knife (mine). On top, the candle. Julie’s eyes shine big and afraid, her lips pushed out and fretful, like she might cry. But she does...
She rolls onto her back to lie completely upside down and sticks her legs up into the air just so, slightly bending them at the wrist so that the paws dangle a bit. She becomes purely submissive while her deep-brown puppy dog eyes blink heavily as a result of her own disbelief in the...
And it’s trust that opens the wallets on the long-run, not long sexy legs or beautiful, round breasts or a bubbly personality. Just think about it: Would you still follow your favorite trainer and subscribe to her/his fitness program if he/she would show up online only now and then?
It's not the real me, and when I had to stop gymnastics at the age of 13, due to money problems, my life fell apart. It was such a huge constant in my life and now that it was gone I was different. I made friends with this energy draining girl that I normally would have ...
I actually had every intention of getting some work done, I had brought my laptop to the beach with me and I was sitting in front of my bungalow having breakfast and answering some business emails, when I saw abeautifulAsian girl with jet black hair and the perfect slim figure sunbathing ...
slides to tell a story — and the first and last are a close-up of a woman’s lower half, her legs spread (wearing stilettos, of course) and her shaved vagina visible through some see-thru panties that say “drink me,” with Hoss’s Photoshopped, upward-looking face placed below it....