Baby Girl Names by Alphabet. Search over 935 Girl Baby Names starting with letter J. Viewing page 21.
Currently we have35Girl Names Starting from All in our English/British collection Like Name MeaningSort 685 Alla An Angel; Name of Truth; Defender; … 633 Alli Long-tailed Duck; Noble; Nobility; … 323 Ally Noble; Graceful; Shining; … ...
Girls Names A to Z - Baby Girl Name - Meanings; Currently we have 35 Girls Names Starting from Gha in our Indian collection
Girls Names by Alphabet Show:All|Boys Names Only|Girls Names Only A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Found 935 Girls Baby Names starting with letter"J"- Displaying from 1 to 35. NameGenderOriginMeaningRatingFavorites ...
Baby Names Poll:Too close? Or does it matter? By ReeseaFear Just of my brother's name is "Roman" & my husband & I like the name "Ronin" if we have another boy. My brother & I are very close & my question is.. is Ronin too close sounding to Roman to not name...
170 Names, ShowingPage 1of6 Save NameWaabisahوابعثه Name of a distinguished Sahabi (RA). Save NameWaafiyahوافيه Waafiyah is an Arabic name for girls that means loyal, faithful. It also means whole, complete, perfect. ...
Modern Muslim Girl Names J Today many parents search for the latest trends regarding the Muslim girl names starting with J. These popular baby girl names are neither too old-fashioned, nor too new-age but a perfect fusion of both to give their daughters a trendy name. Modern Muslim girl na...
1,031 Names, Showing Page 1 of 35 Save Name Saسى happy Save Name Saabiqسابق The first in a race, Name of a Sahabi (RA) who was the servant of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).Save Name Saabiraصابرة Patient, enduring, perseveranceSave Name Saabirah...
Names Starting With ( A ) Name Meaning Gender Origin Aaban Name of the Angel Boy Arabic Aabid Worshiper Boy Arabic Aabidah Worshipper Girl Arabic Aabirah Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral Girl Aabish Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN) Girl Aadab Hope And Need Girl Arab...
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