Girls Names by Alphabet Show:All|Boys Names Only|Girls Names Only A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Found 946 Girls Baby Names starting with letter"S"- Displaying from 1 to 35. NameGenderOriginMeaningRatingFavorites ...
Baby Girl Names by Alphabet. Search over 935 Girl Baby Names starting with letter J. Viewing page 21.
Games & Quizzes See All Quordle Can you solve 4 words at once? Play Blossom Word Game Pick the best words! Play Missing Letter A daily crossword with a twist Play Quiz: Guess the Mammal No animals were harmed, or stumped, in the making... Take the quiz Merriam...
Viewing: (1 – 160 Irish Girl Names) VIDEO OF TOP 10 IRISH GIRL NAMES FOR 2022! Irish Girls Names Categories: View All A– C D– F G– N O– Z View by Letter: A B C D E F G H I J K M N O R S T U Y As of 2023, the most popular searched Irish names for girl...
Looking for baby name ideas, advice, meanings, and popularity? You'll find everything you need below – including a list of thetop 100 baby names, our helpfulBaby Names Finder,inspiration lists, themost popularnames,names by letter, andmuch more. ...
Searching for G names for girls? Manybaby namesstarting with this letter relate to famous people, such as celebrities or historical figures. Examples include American modelGigiHadid,singerGwenStefani, computer scientistGraceHopper (one of the “Harvard Mark I” computer’s first programmers), and b...
Unique Girls Baby Names The following girls baby names are names that have been submitted by our Users. Where possible, included are an explanation of how the names were created. If you would like to submit names, pleaseemail us.
Namesakes:GermansnowboarderLeilaniEttel andAmericanactressLeilaniJones Wilmore Variants:Laylani and Lelani Short Girl NamesStarting With L Lana Origin:Slavic girl name Meaning:4 letter girl namethat means “shining,”“light,”“child,”“little rock,”“handsome,”“blessed,”“precious,”“wool,” ...
Comprehensive collection of27076English/British Baby Names Currently we have13351 BoysNames and13725 GirlsNames with Meanings in our English/British collection Please Choose a Letter Boys ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop Trending English Boy Names Girls ...
Browse Girls Muslim Names by Alphabets A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Islamic Girl Name Starts With Letter H Girls are a true blessing as their birth is regarded as “Rehmat” in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) also promised a high...