Islamic Girl Name Starts With Letter H Girls are a true blessing as their birth is regarded as “Rehmat” in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) also promised a high reward to a person in heaven who nurtures his daughters in the right manner. In Islam, women also played a sig...
Check out most unique Islamic girl names starting with a to z and meanings. Unique Islamic girl names are like Maryam, Huda, Zahra, Marib, Tayyiba, Aiza, Ayesha, Aqsa. You also know the little princess are the blessing of God & coolness of parents’ eyes who bring happiness and joy in...
Hadahid is an Arabic name for girls that means hoopoes, the plural of Hudhud (hoopoe), which is a colorful bird mentioned in the Quran in the story of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon son of David), peace be upon him.Save Name Hadaraحضارة Adorned with beauty, splendidSave...
In Islam, naming a child is a significant life event known as "tasmiyah". This process involves choosing a name with a positive meaning that reflects virtues like wisdom, peace, or strength. These names serve as a constant reminder of the child's spiritual identity and values, guiding them...
7269 Muslim/Islamic Girls Names with Meanings, Most unique Arabic list of modern baby names with reference from Quran. Arabic pronunciation in English, Urdu, Hindi, Bangla.
Girls ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop Trending English Girl Names Newly Added Boy Names OseeAsrielNhelJestonieSubinNiwanshReshavKemuelJhonasJervieAldrianJayrald Search Category BoyGirl Gender Option Keyword Are we missing a Name? If so please request it to be added....
The Girls from H.A.R.M.!: Directed by Pat Bishow. With Tina Lee, Ary Nunez, C.C. Wong, Louise Millmann. Three sexy young women in figure hugging leotards are H.A.R.M.'s agents sent after a stolen Tibetan artifact that can have damaging results if handled
More Than 3000 Bengali Boys and Girls Name with their meanings. Also, Bengali Baby Name, Bengali Baby Name & more. Add your Own Name or Edit Existing Name.
Origin: Hebrew and Arabic girl name Meaning:“Close to God,”“daughter of the sun,”“night rain,” greeting (“peace be with you”), or “mother city” Pronunciation:“ah-mah-yah” Length: 6 letters, 3 syllables Popularity/Rank: #701 (up from #1,025 in 2021) Namesakes: Spanish fa...
For Girls - HName Related Names Date Haberilla Habrilla 01-30 Halena 06-17 Hallie (Henry) Hally 07-15 Hannah (Anne) 07-26 Harolda (Harold) Harelda 03-25 Harriet (Henry) Hariett, Harrietta, Hattie, Hatty 07-15 Hedwig Hedda, Hedy 10-17 Heira 02-21 Helen Aileen, Eileen, Elaine, ...