She slammed her locker shut and rushed to the bathroom, but from then on there were little shoves and giggles and balls of wadded paper bouncing off her head, “holy water” flung from little vials, and always, always the whispers following her: It was the devil, the devil made me do ...
Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole Harry Reid: "Sometimes I say the wong thing" Elian Gonzalez wishes he had come to the U.S. on a bus from Central America like all the other kids Obama visits US-Mexican border, calls for a two-state solution Obama ...
Recently a friend of mine posted something on my Facebook wall that gave me pause. She said “I think you’ve been hacked. I just got a weird email from you. If it was from you, forget the ‘weird’ part.” While funny, it was also really concerning. Mostly because I try hard to...
“More fun that stupid prom,” she said, and there was an edge of irritation in her voice that surprised me. Usually I could tell when she was really annoyed and when she was just pretending, but some days it was more difficult than others. She seemed annoyed all the time recently. Bu...
She laughed. “Good question. It’s really superficial. And if you’re a song girl, everybody assumes you’re an airhead. But it’s really fun. One other thing; this may sound stupid but--I want to be able to tell my grandchildren I was a USC song girl.” ...
rather than just whatever was available in the couple weeks between accepting a job back home and moving back home. They’re the best. (It’s not lost on me that I once said that a guy who lives with his parents raises a red flag, and here I am, 30 and living with my parents (...