Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Summary This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, as he investigates the disappearance of a weary patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer ...
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Directed by David Fincher. With Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård. Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for 40 years by hacker Lisbeth Sala
Perhaps it is because I've experienced the storyline too many times already, the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo left me wanting more. Like its American adaptation, the film largely stay true to the book with minor deviations in a couple of places, of course this is a...
HHHH Cast: Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Sven-Bertil Taube Plot: Swedish campaigning journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Nyqvist) is jailed for libel (note to Ian Hislop: don't move north, those Scandinavian laws can be tough) when he accuses a businessman of gun-running. His career seemingly in ...
In this elegantly violent title sequence, Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, and Karen O's version of "Immigrant Song" swells when coupled with Blur Studio's monstrous fantasy in David Fincher's newest offering,The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. ...
I thought it was a pretty funny spoof on the Stieg Larsson films. Emma plays a pretty hilarious tramp stamp girl. If you've seen the English version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, you'll understand all the jokes. It's a spoof on that movie, not on the Swedish versions that preceded...
What we think :Comparisons to the original Swedish version aside, the 2011 edition ofThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoois smart, slick, intelligent and eminently watchable. Newcomers to the franchise might feel a little lost in the sheer volume of information on offer, as the story...
Based on the award-winning novel by Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo follows journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) as he searches for a woman who has been missing for 40 years. Along the way, he makes an unexpected ally in Lisbeth Sala
First Look At The Cast Of 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' & Hear A Portion Of Trent Reznor's Score
Cast: Noomi Rapace, Michael Nyqvist, Peter Andersson, Mikael Spreitz Plot: The action takes up again 18 months or so after The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, the first in the Millennium trilogy by Swedish author Stieg Larsson. Feisty but deeply troubled computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (Rapace)...