《Girl with a Pearl Earring》是2001年1月8日Penguin Random House US出版的图书,作者是TracyChevalier(崔西·雪佛兰)。内容简介 History and fiction merge seamlessly in this luminous novel about artistic vision and sensual awakening. Girl with a Pearl Earring tells the story of sixteen-year-old Griet...
hi,我这里有一个关于《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Girl with a Pearl Earring 2003)的资源,不知道是你想要的么? 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》是由彼得·韦伯执导,斯嘉丽·约翰逊、科林·费尔斯主演的剧情片。该片改编自作家崔西·雪佛兰的同名小说,讲述了17世纪荷兰肖像画家维梅尔以家中的一名女佣为模特,创作出他的代表作《戴珍珠...
I think he was an observant painter because hecould use light and color properly.3. Johannes Vermeer and his work Girl with aPearl Earring. 结果四 题目 BGirl with a Pearl Earring was painted by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in the 17thcentury. The painting took the pearl earring worn by ...
The Girl with a Pearl Earring | 戴珍珠耳环的少女 作者:约翰内斯·维米尔 | Johannes Vermeer 类型:油画 风格流派:巴洛克艺术 创作年代:1665 现藏地:荷兰海牙莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆 &n
Girl with a Pearl Earring 在这幅《戴珍珠耳环的少女》中,年轻女孩转过头回望了一眼,她似乎被某件东西或某个人吸引了。我们并不知道她是谁,这使得我们能够专注于画作本身和画家的绘画技巧。也许维米尔的最终目标是创作出一幅反映一个瞬间状态的“tronie”,这样观者就可以用自己的想象力来设定关于这个故事的主题...
威梅尔活灵活现地勾勒出少女的一脸娇嫩、双唇的润湿感、 从下领延伸至颈项问的一弯细线、以及那对水灵的双眼。 她明亮的凝眸中隐含着热切,率直地召唤着画外的观赏人, 有人会因此而想起达文西的「蒙娜丽莎」, 只是在这里的画中,没有那幅文艺复兴时期杰作中的神秘感。 — 文章撷取自: https://www.ss.net.tw...
A.stolen B.under C.By accident D.For example E.painter Girl with a Pearl Earring(戴珍珠耳环的少女) is said to be one of the greatest art novels of all time.It is about a young girl who worked for the famous Dutch (50
Girl with a Pearl Earring(戴珍珠耳环的少女)is said to be one of the greatest art novels of all time.It is about a young girl who worked for the famous Dutch(50)___,Vermeer.The girl took care of the artist's studio and lived(51)___the same roof(屋顶)with the rest of Vermeer's...
Girl with a Pearl Earring has been part of the Mauritshuis' collection in the Hague since 1902 and is still on display at the museum. Rumours (传闻) have surrounded Johannes Vermeer's work ever since it was rediscovered in the late 19th century, and this painting still continues to generate...
While little is known of his personal life, his extraordinary paintings of natural and domestic life, with their subtle play of light and colour, have come to define the Dutch Golden Age. The mysterious portrait of the anonymous Girl with a Pearl Earring has fascinated a... (展开全部) Girl...