But there are also those who might support me in my more polemical view. As Donna Haraway explains in a footnote toStaying with the Trouble, certain historians contend that the Greeks regarded cephalopods as “close to the primordial multisexual deities of the sea—ambiguous, mobile and ever ch...
destinations of the world. A challenging break has been created by the impressive offshore reef where joy, beautiful barrels and imposing raw waves are continually served up. And intriguingly, this amazing surf island is also home to one of the largest populations of tiger sharks in the world!
While the giant’s daughter learns from the gardener of Nix Nought Nothing’s betrothal to the king’s daughter who’s also his sister. Thus, a promise for him to marry a maiden who wakes him up is lacking. Bears similarities to Jason and Medea. Best Known Version: The Joseph Jacobs ve...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Scary stuff for someone who finds it hard to commit to things as minor as choosing what to have for breakfast! The whole decision was been made A LOT easier by the fact that my new home is, quite literally, my dream house… It’s on the shore with views across to the mainland, with...
whom he met just a few times before he first moved out. He weirds her out when he starts lifting weights in front of her and stares at her breasts, and she calls angrily for Nick, who returns with money to pay her back - including four bucks for her "tip." Exasperated, she storms...
Chris Anderson:Marzena was really good at what she did, but she was also a 14-year-old girl in the open ocean. We weren’t often worried about sharks, but we were worried about people floating off. Hypothermia was always also a constant concern. Even though we were in Port Douglas, ...