Mash up the banana first. Make sure it is ripe. Throw everything else into the batter. It will be a thicker batter. Heat up your griddle to a low setting as these burn easily. Cook, eat and enjoy. They are filling. They do have a different taste to them as you are not using flo...
It's a way of giving the finger, without actually having to give it. I remember I cried the night you made it up, `cause it was the first time that I realized that I was actually cooler than my older brother. Ross: Well, I'm gonna go get ready, (Gives Monica the fist thing.)...
My window box was always part of the plan when I made the cedar shutters last fall out of cedar fence pickets. I had some 1×6 treated wood scraps left over from the porch and deck. So I cut what I needed. The boards sticking up are actually the bottom. I left it open for draina...
However, I’m sure she looks pretty silly with her tongue sticking out on this statue. 72. Of course, who could forget the class statue of Buddy Christ? Yes, Buddy Christ is certainly a classic religious kitsch item, indeed. He’s also among the most amusing as well. Yeah, I can’t...
‘I will start by getting my chicken out the fridge’ I smiled confidently at the camera, sticking my head inside for a moments blessed relief. The thing is, I had never actually handled a raw chicken before. And it REPULSED me.
Sticking a pin to her head, the maidservant transforms the princess back into a canary. When the young man returns, she tells him that she’d been turned into this. The young man blames himself. At the wedding feast, the canary appears in the kitchen window and enchants whoever’s ...
Although then I have to decide if I’m up for standing in the summer heat over a hot grill… What did you have for dinner this week? @Emma, Also not a doctor here. . . but my mother-in-law had some amazing results with using yellow dock to boost really low iron during pregnancy...
It just got to a stage where she could no longer ignore the doubts she was having. Often, it’s not clear cut. We can end up feeling as though things just “aren’t right” without being able to put our finger on the exact reason why. ...
Is it any stupider than sticking your finger down your throat and making yourself throw up several times a day? I had to admit, it was not. I don’t know how praying works or why it works. I don’t even care anymore. All I know is that if something is bothering me or obsessing...
Instead of banging some girl (or guy, if that’s to your liking) whom you do not know how clean she really is (click linkherefor more info =P), or how many disco sticks she’s danced with (EewwWwyuck! Sticking your personal lil brother where another person’s brother has been?EEEE...