Whether you're a troop leader looking for the newest Girl Scout badges, program materials, and uniform pieces, or a parent looking for a gift for your Girl Scout, we've got it all! Shop Girl Scout gear at the Official Girl Scout Shop >
Custom Girl Scout fun patches made easy with low prices, fine embroidery, and total creative support. We’ve posted 1000 patch designs on this website to show you what you can expect with minimal effort, no sketch required, and no payment until you have your patches in hand. For pricing,...
Girl Scouts know a good deal - Shop Girl Scout Gear on Sale - Girl Scout Clothing, Accessories, Fun Patches, and More
GIRL SCOUT FUN PATCHES byTHE PATCH CONNECTION, INC. Top quality patches for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, YMCA and all youth groups. PATCHES ARE MEMORIES A LICENSED VENDOR of the GIRL SCOUTS of the USA For ready-madeIN-STOCKpatches for immediate delivery... ...
Welcome to the Patch Corner! This is the one-stop shop to get the girl scout patches for all occasions i.e. fun, skills, camping, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor fun, animals, nature etc.
Then, go get your patch at the Girl Scout Shop! bhm_patchDownload Share this: Email Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Pocket Print Loading... Leave a comment Posted in GSGCF Blog How Your Troop Can: Spread the Love this Valentines Day by Jessica Miano Photo by Molly Champion on ...
These printables include the Girl Scout Trefoil on a tie-dye background. These freebies include a troop banner, water bottle labels, food labels, and gift bag labels. You can download these printables here. Each girl received the badges, patches, and other goodies they earned in a white ...
and the first time I was told to pick up supplies from the "Girl Scout Store" in Poughkeepsie I too got excited about the idea of grabbing some cookies there. I learned that the retail shop is for allotherthings Girl Scout related - patches and Girl Scout vests, clothing and fun collect...
To celebrate, this entire week leading up to the 99th anniversary on March 12th has been deemed Girl Scout Week. TheGirl Scout Shophas a new catalog out full of practical things like uniforms and fun things like teddy bears in adorable GS hoodies!
Includes patches of shamrocks and leprechaun hats. 45. A large shamrock should come with some green bows. This one has a shamrock painted which you can hang on a window. Love it. 46. Capture the Irish spirit in your home with this burlap wreath. This one has a shamrock bow on the ...