Others pick the best cat favorites, such as “Whiskers” or “Fluffy,” but there’s no stopping you from choosing more human-like names, such as “Adelaide” or “Penelope.” After all, many pet lovers consider new kittens their new babies, and people regularly use animal names as pet...
We’ve also listed unique and rare girl names for you to consider. Plenty of these choices are also favorite baby names because many fur parents consider pets their fur babies. We also posted the popularity ranking of these dog names based on human names, as collected by the SSA (Social S...
For one, is a stigma against out-of-wedlock pregnancies that resulted in “doorstop babies” and orphanages full of kids since being a mom who’s never been married would basically screw a woman up for life. Another reason has to do with the fact people lived in times of rampant war, ...
(To Jess):"Babies wreck you." (To Shivrang):"I used to just think that if I was being proposed to, I would notice it was happening." (To Winston):"One of the perks of being a model: You get to meet a lot of sketchy people. The guy who got me this [fish] also said he ...
A Hopi child could be given over 40 names though it’s up to the parents to decide which one to use. They can also change their names if they decide to become members of the Kachina society or after a major life event. Another major aspect of Pueblo Native American culture are the ...
They’re babies! They haven’t yet learned that Kleenex isn’t the nearest sleeve, but an actual tissue for their nose. They don’t have full control over their bodily functions (don’t ask). And they cry for their mommy all the time!
I’m not allowed to show up at Thanksgiving or any other family event without these little babies in hand. I’m kind of proud of them seeing as how when I first met my surfer I evidently couldn’t cook. At all, what so ever. He still tells everyone to this day that he’s the ...
Abuse and rough living made it difficult for her to speak normally for her age. Well, I thought, God can do all things (Philippians 4:13). He can heal her issues, he healed mine! The social worker was gentle yet adamant. “Just have the babies God has blessed you with. Don’t ...
Of course the first year we decided to go for it we both had new babies (making a grand total of 7 kids between us aged 7 and under!!) But would you believe that we pulled it off and now all of the older kids start asking about when we are doing it again by about July!... ...
I’d been preparing for that news… WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT FIANCE WOULD BE THERE TO HELP ME THROUGH IT. Now? I’m jumping into a hot LZKNOWINGI ain’t got shit for chutes. And it ain’t the heights that kill ya, my babies. It’s the depths. ...