Popular Hindu Girl Names Start With G NAMEMEANINGRELIGION GargiAn Ancient Scholar Like One of Lord BuddhaHindu GarimaWarmth; ProudHindu GrishaWatchfulHindu GungunRapper; Humming; SingingHindu GunjanHummingHindu GayatriSinger; Mantra; The Chant of Salvation; Goddess Durga; Goddess of Wood; Good Friend;...
We have baby girl names from every nationality that start with the letter J. It's one of the most popular letters that parents choose as the beginning of their baby girl's name. Many names have the same meaning because they're different versions of a main name (like Jan, Jane, Joanna...
Popular Hindu Girl Names Start With L NAMEMEANINGRELIGION Lavanyabeauty, grace in Sanskrit.Hindu LavyaRenowned for his Devotion to his GuruHindu LishaFull of Mystery; Derived from Alicia; Sweet; Honest; Truth; Happy; Darkness Before Midnight; FeliciaHindu ...
Uttara Hindu— mother of Pariksit Tips for Naming Your Daughter Picking a name for your baby is one of the most important things you'll ever do for your child. She'll have to live with this name for at least the first eighteen years of her life, so make sure you pick a good name...
Unique Girl Names That Start With S Looking for a unique girl name? Have a look at these S girl names that are unique and unusual and see if you can find the right one for your little one. 11. Sequoia. This unique name comes from the name of the huge trees that grow in California...
Biblical Girl Names That Start With A The Bottom Line Would you like your daughter’s name to start with the letter A? Maybe it’s a family tradition, or you just really like the sound of the letter? You’ve come to the right place for inspiration because we’ve put together a list...
This website can be used by Hindu populations in the UK, USA, Canada, and other countries to select the ideal Hindu names girl. The daughter is God's beautiful yet exquisite creation. Parents constantly try to come up with the greatest name for their princess, no matter where they are fr...
What Are Unique Girl Names That Start With J? If you’re searching for a unique baby girl name, you can also pick from other languages. Beautiful girl names include Jacaranda (Spanish), Ja’Hira (Arabic), Jayashri (Sanskrit), and Jendayi (African). What do these names mean, and what ...
Indian Hindu names with meanings - Alphabet 'P' NAMEMEANING PaadiniPleasing Song PaavaiBeautiful girl PaavaniPurifier PabitraPurity, Holy PadmaGoddess Lakshmi PadmabalaDaughter of lotus PadmagrihaWho resides in a lotus PadmajaBorn from lotus, Lakshmi ...
Popular Indian girl baby names starting with the letter 'I' and their meanings. Unique Hindu and Sanskrit girl baby names that are popular and widely used across the world by NRIs. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...