" A whole lot ' Survivor, ' a little bit ' The Tempest, ' with a pinch of Laurel and Hardy . . . Hiaasen is always good for a number of laugh-aloud scenes and lines . . . His ear is pitch-perfect. The dialogue sings in "Nature Girl.””- Alan Michael Parker, "Atlanta Journal...
Flula Borg、Sarah Hyland、Lera Abova、Adam DeVine - Barbie Girl (From Pitch Perfect: Bumper In Berlin) 专辑:Pitch Perfect: Bumper In Berlin (Music From The Peacock Original Series) 歌手:Flula BorgSarah HylandLera AbovaAdam DeVine 还没有歌词哦...
High-school football serves as the perfect medium to explore the 21st-century American experience. With knockout performances from Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton, it's almost too easy to get sucked into the Dillon Panthers' football life. 高中橄榄球比赛是探索21世纪美国印象的最佳媒介。看着凯尔·...
By collaborating with Lee County Parks and Recreation, Michaela designed and implemented a garden featuring a five-point star made of eastern gray granite, each point adorned with cast bronze insignias representing the five branches of the military. A plaque at the base of the star provides infor...
What was the official certification given to All Girl Massage (2009) in the United States? Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing Add episode More from this title Videos Cast & crew Photos Trivia List New and Upcoming Horror ...
Cavanagh." The former star of "Ground Floor" and Heelan's onscreen love interestSkylar Astinof "Pitch Perfect" fame was the last actor from the show to appear on "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend." Astin was brought in to portrayGreg Serranotaking over the role fromSantino Fontanain thefourthand final...
Go here to cast your vote.美国当地时间周四晚,2013年美国人民选择奖提名名单出炉。贾斯汀·比伯和魔力红主唱“骚当”亚当·李维分别凭借五项和六项提名领跑;而作为《人物》评选的世界最性感男人,查宁·塔图姆获得包括电影类最受欢迎男主角在内的四项提名。 基于大众投票产生的人民选择奖始于1975年,到2013年已是第40...
Megan Stott is pitch-perfect in Penelope's pilot episode. Megan Stott and Austin Abrams play kindred spirits in "Penelope."Credit: Sundance Where much of YA shows and movies are full of snarkingMean Girlsor emotionally overwrought heroines,Penelopeblooms from a place of quiet reflection. As its...
This is a list of the best teen friendship movies including everything from Clueless to Pitch Perfect to Ghost World. What films will you pick to top this list of the top teen friendship movies? High school cliques are often formed by friends who are also rivals – a phenomenon that ...
This is a list of the best teen friendship movies including everything from Clueless to Pitch Perfect to Ghost World. What films will you pick to top this list of the top teen friendship movies? High school cliques are often formed by friends who are also rivals – a phenomenon that ...