thanks, baby thanks, beautiful thanks, buddy thanks, dear thanks, dude thanks, honey thanks, love thanks, my love thanksgiving thanksgiving prayer that that I that I have that I know that I like that I love that afternoon that apple that are that bad that being said that book that book...
It’s the kind of thing that once you notice, you can never unsee. And the animations aren’t really that great either. Walking looks strange, fighting looks clumsy, and people tend to look like they’re sneering when they talk. With freaky teeth. This man is not actually being possessed...
There was also this one house where the first time you rode along with me, we saw a baby deer. And to this day, anytime we go down that road, you still say “baby deer’s house!” Riley being in school meant we also had 1 day a week where we hung out at home together when ...
Two decades after 9/11,Muslim women in America still fighting bias NIPA: A week is crucial in the district, says Veena George Nipah outbreak in Kozhikode;12 year boy dies;Central team arrives today ‘It looked apocalyptic’: Crew describes Afghan departure Qatar says it’s not clear wh...
At least I won’t die of a lung ailment because I’ve never smoked, they must think while the person they’ve asked is fighting the urge to growl in their general direction. 26. What I didn’t admit and what shames me a bit is this: I smiled at the man on the beach when he ...
I did not have a baby or was I pregnant, and NO! my 27 year old did not have a baby, so no gramma over here either. Funny how the mind equates 9 months with pregnancy/babies. I’ve been on the fence about writing again, and today, I thought, screw it, so here I am. I di...
What I find to motivate my female players is fighting against injustice. All things considered - my interest in prehistoric cultures along with alternative viewpoints on religion (Read WHEN GOD WAS A WOMAN) - my wife feels comfortable with just about any role playing situation she's been thrust...
She’s doing everything to go, “Help me to be what I think I should be, help me be normal. Help me keep up with what I need to be. I’m fighting this losing battle.” [In a later scene,] she’s trying to say, “This is who I am. I’ve tried to be everything you wan...
At that stage, as a new mom where you can never imagine leaving your baby, I processed Ricks death again. HOW DARE HE! How could he have left us, I could never leave my babies. My anger turned to rage. Bitter rage. Close to 10 years later, when I was in what I considered the ...