Outside, still naked and lost, she hides herself in a trash can. Acouple of boysriding by accidentally bump into her. She stands up in the can and stumbles around, lamenting about going back home. Then she trips and falls over, humiliating herself in front of the boys.[4] ...
Fan Girl: The Shirohebi becomes this to the man she falls in love with. She'll follow him around showering him with love and affection until he caves and gets with her. Also the Nureonago, but she's more devoted and docile (in a sense) than the Shirohebi. A Salamander will ...
The chase ended when the blue Pontiac that the man had stolen ran over spikes set by police and flipped over in the median. The man negotiated with police for about an hour while sitting in the overturned car and holding a handgun to the girl's head - until a sharpshooter killed him ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
and odd occurrences the script of Eternal Sunshine reaches a compromise between reality and fantasy enough to satisfy both romantic comedy lover and Kaufman fanatic alike.The storyline itself is fairly straightforward: boy meets girl boy falls in love with girl boy and girl argue girl leaves boy....