by women, often boned or of elastic, for supporting and giving a slimmer appearance to the abdomen, hips, and buttocks. 2. a belt, cord, sash, or the like, worn about the waist. 3. anything that encircles, confines, or limits. 4. the narrow edge or band between the upper and...
PERFECT POSTPARTUM RECOVERY WAIST TRAINER: this tummy control abdominal wrap underwear garment helps pull in your stomach and smooth your love handles,it's the best choice for women after natural birth or c-section.The post maternity belly band helps postpartum recovery all process,reduce swelling...
Bra history began as far back as Cretan times, but 1907, was the year when the word brassiere was first reported in an American copy of Vogue. The original French meaning wassupport, but the word was out of use and the French chose to call a brasoutien-gorge. Cretan women wore bras t...
Let it be said as a foreword to this tale that I have robbed no man who was not in some way a robber of others. In all my long and arduous career, I, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, sometimes known as the master-thief, have endeavored to serve merely as an agent in the rightful...