Ginzburg-Landau equationsvortex structurevortex coreanisotropic s-wave component winding/ A7460G Flux pinning, flux motion, fluxon-defect interactions A7420D Phenomenological and two-fluid superconductivity theoriesWe derive microscopically the Ginzburg-Landau equations of a d-wave superconductor. The ...
(redirected fromGinzburg-Landau equation) Ginzburg-Landau theory [′ginz·bərg ′lan·dau̇ ‚thē·ə·rē] (cryogenics) A phenomenological theory of superconductivity which accounts for the coherence length; the ordered state of a superconductor is described by a complex order parameter whic...
1) dual Ginzburg-Landau equations 对偶金兹堡-朗道方程 2) ginzburg landau equation 金兹堡朗道方程 3) complex Ginzburg Landau equation 复数金兹堡-朗道方程 1. Controlling chaos in thecomplex Ginzburg Landau equation(CGLE) is studied and chaos is controllable to the stable plane waves by negative feed...
equations for fixed d = 2. The main result of this analysis was the observation that when α≡ε + 2δ > 0 there are no stable blow-up solutions which are modulated NLS blow-up solutions. Indeed, it is established that the solutions are bounded, for all time, by a term exponentiall...
6) Discretized Burgers Ginzburg Landau equations 离散的Burgers-Ginzburg-Landau方程组 补充资料:拟线性双曲型方程和方程组 拟线性双曲型方程和方程组 quasi-linear hyperbolic equations and systems 尸二。*(“,卢),g=u,(“,刀)的六个一阶方程,其中之一是由所有其他的导出的,可以考虑这个具有五个未知函数的五...
Key words: Iron-based superconductor, Ginzburg-Landau Equations, Upper critical field 0 引言铁基超导体因其较高的转变温度和较强的上临界磁场,成为超导物理领域的研究热点之 30 35 40 一.该类材料具有层状结构[1-3],其载流子运动集中在 FeSe 或者 FeAs 面上,呈现准二维形式,因此,用二维模型处理这一...
5)ginzburg landau equation金兹堡朗道方程 6)dual Ginzburg-Landau equations对偶金兹堡-朗道方程 延伸阅读 金兹堡-朗道(GL)相干长度(GLcoherencelength)金兹堡-朗道(GL)相干长度(GLcoherencelength)在GL方程中引入一长度量纲ξ(T):`\xi(T)=\hbarsqrt{2m^\**|\alpha|}`则在无外磁场下求一维非线性GL方程的几何关...
We present an extended version of the method of Generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations, which is appropriate for the weakly nonlinear analysis of this class of problems. Results are given for a solid-liquid two-phase system showing a convective instability of the Rayleigh-Benard type....
Keywords:coupledGinzburg—Iandauequations;periodicwavesolutions;auxiliaryfunction method;homogeneousbalanceprinciple MSC2010:35G20 1 引言 Ginzburg—Landau(GL)方程是耗散化的非线性Sehr6dinger方程,是一个在有限时间内具有形成 局部奇性解的Hamihonian方程。对于GL方程的研究已有很多的工作。Ghidaglia,H6ornE,Doe— ...
Moreover, the solutions on the bifurcation branch admit exactly d zeroes, and the energy on the bifurcation branch is strictly smaller than the energy on the radial branch.doi:10.1007/s00030-003-0039-8Myrto SauvageotBirkhäuser-VerlagNonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA...