Harry Potter, la serie sta per diventare realtà Quali sono le serie più attese del 2025 The White Lotus è qui per restare Le serie più belle del 2024 secondo noi La storia vera dietro la nuova serie Senna La reunion di Lorelai e Luke di Gilmore Girls ...
#金妮与乔治娅# 这一季Ginny和Marcus之间那种坦诚地the world sucks but you are my favorite person的soulmate调调看得很戳人哎(Marcus真的好帅🥲 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ3 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 无远弗届 更多a 微关...
二刷#ginnyandgeorgia #金妮与乔治娅 真的太好看了 Marcus真的太帅了太帅了太好了太好了 一刷对Hunter印象原本还好的二刷感觉确定这不是在丑化华裔吗 盲猜最后Georgia和Joe在一起了 等不及第三第四季了 第三季 - 饭团于20240227发布在抖音,已经收获了7760个喜欢,来抖音,
he says a lot of hurtful things and even punches Marcus, who's still recovering from a concussion. However, he is somewhat redeemed in season 2 when he and Ginny discuss their relationship ending and both are given closure. Most of theGinny & Georgiacharacters...
你俩有点帅啊~~~坐等第三季!!!虽然Marcus持续的颓废感让我逐渐烦躁,但这个颜真是让人烦不起来啊!!!#ginnyandgeorgia #因为一个片段看了整部剧 #金妮与乔治娅 #帅就完事了 - Mm mM于20230404发布在抖音,已经收获了1349个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Ginny & Georgiabegins with Ginny never having had a first date (let alone a kiss), but all that changes during the first episode. She kisses Marcus spontaneously and has sex with him before the episode is over. Georgia's flashbacks are filled with memories of sexual abuse, homelessness, an...
#金妮与乔治亚# 妈妈和zion,Ginny和Marcus的关系都好喜欢ㅠㅠ我可能真的不适合纯爱 Ginny和Marcus之间的sexual tension真的kswl好喜欢好喜欢只听bgm也能感受到那种美好我真的太爱初恋了
首先Marcus抑郁症复发了,然后和他sister Max说的话被Ginny听到了,Ginny在看歌舞剧的时候闹脾气了,然后Marcus就提出了分手,因为他病了,他承受不了另一个人再带给他一些负面的情绪,他处理不了别人的情绪,所以就分手了,我个人理解。 赞(16) 回复 一粒黑芝麻 2023-05-27 23:59:30 安徽 而且Ginny听话听了一半...