In a randomized double-blind (ginkgo-biloba extract versus placebo), open (reference substance) therapeutic trial, the clinical efficacy of two cerebro-active substances was investigated in 60 patients with mild to moderate primary degenerative dementia. The double-blind study showed that, in compariso...
Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt EGb 761® in der Behandlung der Demenz: eine pharmakoökonomische Analyse bezogen auf ÖsterreichDementiaGinkgo bilobaEGb 761®EconomicsPharmaceuticalAustriaDemenzGinkgo bilobaEGb 761®PharmakoökonomieWe used efficacy data from three clinical trials to investigate the ...
Klaus-Peter Schwabe
Ginkgo biloba bltter extrakt Ginkgo biloba leaf extractJoseph O'reilly
VERWENDUNG VON EXTRAKTEN AUS GINKGO BILOBA ZUR HERSTELLUNG EINES MEDIKAMENTS ZUR BEHANDLUNG VON SARCOPENIAA method of treating sarcopenia in warm-blooded animals comprising administering to warm-blooded animals in need thereof an amount of an extract of Ginkgo biloba comprising from 5.5 to 8% in ...
It is moreover possible to hold physiologically the adaptation of excitation of the hair cells of the organ of Corti by the fraction of Ginkgo biloba before and after sound damage caused by white noise or during a pure tone of 4.5 kHz. The influence of the fraction of Ginkgo biloba can ...
Ginkgo‐biloba㏕rockenextraktNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/pauz.200990064John Wiley & Sons, LtdPharmazie in unserer Zeit
Ginkgo biloba Spezialextrakt bei Alzheimer Demenz: Nutzen von 240 mg/Tag nachgewiesenCopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, ...
Protektive, nicht aber therapeutische Effekte von Ginkgo biloba Extrakt EGb 761 bei Hrverlust und Tinnitus in Mongolischen Wüstenrennmusendoi:10.1055/s-0043-1766839Tziridis, KonstantinSchulze, HolgerLaryngo-Rhino-Otologie