that the incomeindexforthe second period is lower than the incomeindexforthe first period by more than [0.1%], shall as soon as practicable after the review reduce the relevant rent by the rate of the reduction of the incomeindex.
but because wealth is more difficult to measure than income, Gini coefficients usually refer to income and are reported simply as the Gini coefficient or Gini index, without specifying that they refer to income. Wealth Gini coefficients tend to be much higher than those for income. ...
While this manual grouping slightly reduced the Gini index, the interactive grouped Part Description variable can now be monotonically associated with the event rate, i.e., whether the profit margin is higher or lower than 0.50. This approach provides a better explanation of the target variable, ...
The Gini index is a statistical measure used to represent unequal distributions, e.g. income distribution. It can take any value between 1 and 100 points (or 0 and 1). The closer the value is to 100 the greater is the inequality. 40 or 0.4 is the warning level set by the United Nat...
In addition, it is not at all the case that a transporter tends to be either highly expressed or weakly expressed; although as many transporters are widely distributed, there is a considerable degree of specialization (see also Sreedharan et al., 2011). The Gini index for the variation in...
Why Is the Palma Ratio Considered Better Than the Gini Co-efficient? The richest getting richer and the poorest getting poorer is the main driver of inequality. The Gini co-efficient, however, is more sensitive to changes in the middle group, which is where shifts in income less frequently ...
Abbot–Firestone curve33. The disturbance spikes have large amplitudes but only a very small volume and are eliminated in this manner. The principle is shown in Fig.9for a better understanding on a 2D cross-section. For this work, these values were calculated for the volume of the component...
It seems like it may be a little flat at the lower end, i.e it would be better if it was a bit more spherical than parabolic. Not sure how to do that. I want to use it as a quick way to approximate the income distribution given the gini for a large number of countries. Any ...
Results showed that Norway and Niger had the highest and lowest HDI indices of 0.957 and 0.394 in the world, respectively. In the meantime, 38.34% of the world’s population was in the high HDI group. Also, 58.22% of the world’s population had an HDI index of higher than the world’...
In fact, traditional inequality measures, such as the Gini index or generalized entropy measures, are insensitive to the geographical arrangements of GDP. This implies that, holding GDP constant, different spatial patterns can provide the same inequality measure. This property of inequality measures is...