Powerful and effortless desktop & mobile solutions for improving your writing and productivity. Ginger Software is your personalized editor - everywhere you go.
We get it. Ginger is more than a grammar checker, spell checker, and punctuation checker. Ginger is an all-in-one writing tool that includes Rephrase to empower you to write your best in ways that traditional online grammar checkers can’t. Just enter your sentence and our AI will provide...
界面简洁,页面上没有额外的链接或过多的文字内容。 ginger grammar checker main page Ginger则不提供标题栏,但它在文本框的右上方供用户选择英语类型(美式英语或英式英语)。它在文本框周围显示促销链接和指向相关内容的一些链接,使得用户界面看起来有些拥挤混乱。 反馈框 Wordvice AI和Ginger均提供反馈框,展示如何纠正...
1.注册(或登陆):官网(或百度搜索「grammarly」)>> 右上角「sign up」>> 注册后登陆 2. 安装:网页拉到最下方,「Products」 >> 「Grammarly for MS Office」 ( 浏览器扩增插件和 Word 插件)/ 「Grammarly Native Apps」 (下载软件)/ 「Plagiarism Checker 」(简单的查重),根据你想要的使用方式点击下载安装...
2. Grammar Checker Obviously, for authors, the Ginger grammar checker is the most important feature of the software. So how does Ginger hold up? When compared to other programs such asProWritingAidandGrammarly, I found Ginger to perform roughly the same. And most of the time, all of the ...
Powerful and effortless desktop & mobile solutions for improving your writing and productivity. Ginger Software is your personalized editor - everywhere you go.
1 Checker 1Checker利用人工智能技术对文本进行检查,并且可以结合上下文预判使用者想要表达的意思。 当发现有其他更高概率的词匹配你的文本的语境时,1Checker会标识该处文本,给出“用词不当错误”提示以及系统认为更合适的替换建议(一般用蓝色标记)。 另外,1 Checker界面相对简单又好,完成注册即可在线免费使用。
Powerful and effortless desktop & mobile solutions for improving your writing and productivity. Ginger Software is your personalized editor - everywhere you go.
Alon Even
Will Ginger help you fix typos and improve your writing? Check out our Ginger software review to find out whether this grammar checker is right for you.