#音乐现场研究所# Ginger Root - No Problems 美国加州复古流行乐团Ginger Root姜根 做客KEXP带来单曲《No Problems》现场,2025 SHINBANGUMI 巡演本周即将启程🔥 巡演站次: 03.07 深圳 HOU LIVE X Mixc(春...
华裔音乐人Ginger Root (姜根) 演唱职场Funk乐金曲《No Problems》(没问题啦) #职场穿搭# #动听音乐分享# #摇滚莫扎特# http://t.cn/A6Rj6xYP
Ginger Root at King Tut's Wah Wah Hut Glasgow, United Kingdom Sun, Dec 1, 2024 1.No Problems 2.Everything’s Alright (Meet You in the Galaxy Ending Theme) 3.Only You 4.Loretta (described as "Loretta 2") 5.Better Than Monday 6.There Was a Time 7.All Night 8.Weather 9.Juban ...
Ginger Root 独立流行 · 2024年 “前两张 EP《City Slicker》《Nisemono》的主题,是探索我想钻研的声音。这次呢,尽管有些缺乏自信,但我想要专注于真实的自己,竭力呈现 100% 的 Ginger Root。抱着这样的信念,这张新专辑制作完成了。”谈及以“Ginger Root”的名义发行、距前作将近四年时间的第三张专辑《...
谈及以“Ginger Root”的名义发行、距前作将近四年时间的第三张专辑《SHINBANGUMI》,出身南加州的乐器多面手 Cameron Lew 如是告诉 Apple Music。Cameron Lew 既是音乐制作人、词曲创作者,也是一位影像创作者,他从日本文化中汲取灵感,打造了这张既怀旧又新潮、兼具流行气质和放克节奏的概念专辑。 Ginger Root 的...
Do you need to peel ginger root?No, not really, however, for aesthetic reasons, you may want to remove the peel. Also, if you’re ginger is old, you’ll want to use a paring knife to cut the dry peel from the root.What’s the best way to store fresh ginger root?
Ginger root can be made into herbal tea, known in the Philippines as salabat. It’s used as a home remedy for indigestion, nausea, and to ward off colds, flu, and sore throats. Drink this tea to ease gut inflammation and boost your liver health. ...
No Problems - Ginger Root Lyrics by:Cameron Lew Go get what you want Get hip to the signs and then you Get lost in your thoughts Just trying to prove what's with you now And again Times I've tried to bow and amend The far and the fake look the sunlight's fadin' How can you ...
And now how can you say that you've got no problems I I can't take this it's not debated And now how can you say that you've got no problems I I can't be fake when you're up and elated And now how can you say that you've got no problems ...