Like most pre-20th-century cocktails, particularly one that come from such a simple a template—spirit, sugar, and citrus—it's hard to pin down a single point of origin. What we do know is that by the 1940–50s, the classic Gimlet was codified in both popular culture and many ...
2.A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime. tr.v.gim·let·ed,gim·let·ing,gim·lets To make a hole in (something) with a gimlet. adj. Having a penetrating or piercing quality:gimlet eyes. ...
The gimlet is a classic and traditional British cocktail, which is made with gin, lime juice and simple syrup.
As for the name, a 'gimlet' was a small tool used to tap the barrels of spirits carried on British Navy ships; this could be the origin of the cocktail's name. Another story cites a naval doctor, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette (1857-1943), who is said to have mixed gin...
type of boring tool, mid-14c., gymbelette, from Anglo-French and Old French guimbelet, guibelet (12c., Modern French gibelet), which is probably of Germanic origin, perhaps from Middle Dutch wimmelkijn (with substitute of French diminutive suffix), diminutive of wimmel "auger, drill," ...
Alsogim·blet[] rotate (a suspended anchor) to a desired position. adjective able to penetrate or bore through. Discover More Other Words From gim let·yadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofgimlet1 1375–1425;late Middle English<Old Frenchguimbelet<Germanic;compare...
The Gimlet began as my favorite cocktail as many favorite cocktails do- I liked the name. Or maybe my favorite character in a novel or a movie exclusively drank gimlets. Perhaps it was both. To be honest, I was probably 23 when it started, and I can't remember. The origin is far ...
Origin of the gimlet The gimlet became popular in the 1950’s, so it’s a retro classic cocktail! It’s first appearance was actually in a cocktail book from 1928, so it goes back at least that far. If you’re like me, you might be intrigued by where the name came from (so many...
The termgimlet eyehas an interesting origin, though it has nothing to do with thegimlet cocktail. We will examine the definition of the termsgimlet eyeandgimlet cocktail, where they came from and some examples of their use in sentences. ...
5.It’s a pleasing digestif on its own over ice; a splash of it tones down the sweetness in a Last Word cocktail and sneaks some herbal punch into a gimlet. 6.Even if you're not a big gin drinker, like me, Walter recommends a classic gimlet as a sophisticated spring cocktail. ...