She is the eldest daughter of the married couple Edward and Rosemary Anderson. She has one younger sister named Zoe Anderson and one younger brother Aaron who suffers from neurofibromatosis for whom Anderson has done work to encourage government to increase funding for research. Anderson spent her...
Gillian Anderson gives a knockout performance as the romantic but eventually tragic Lily Bart, in British director Terence Davies’s exquisite 2000 film adaptation of the early-20th-century-set novel by Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth. One woman heads for ...
(1) JUSTICE FOR SYLVIA ANDERSON. [Item by SF Concatenation’s Jonathan Cowie.] Last night’s BBC Radio 4 arts programme, Front Row, devoted a substantive amount of time to the airbrushing of Sylvia Anderson from Anderson productions by Gerry Anderson and then the Anderson estate. This include...
Wardill, whose work is soon to appear as a part of the major new Hayward Gallery touring show British Art Show 7, was today announced as winner at a special VIP event at the Whitechapel Gallery. She beat competition from other shortlisted artists such as Spartacus Chetwynd, Ben Rivers and...
X-Files boss Chris Carter has spoken about the pay gap between Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny on the original seasons of the show prior to its recent revival.