JerusalemGihon SpringSpring TowerMiddle Bronze AgeIron AgeCity of DavidKidron Valley14C datingThe site HLO1 in the Wadi al-Hilo, which means "Hilo river valley", in the Emirate of Sharjah, UAE, has been excavated since 2007 by a Joint Project of the Directorate of Antiquities of the ...
More to the north was anciently another spring, called the upper water-course of Gihon, which was stopped or sealed in the time of Hezekiah, and conveyed to the west side of the city of David (Lewin, Jerusalem, p. 11 sq.). It will be seen that in this theory the "city of David...
Gihon Spring JerusalemmicroarchaeologyOne of the most impressive structures in Jerusalem's ancient landscape is the tower that was built to surround and protect the Gihon Spring, Jerusalem's perennial water source. The structure, first discovered by Reich and Shukron (2004), encompasses ...
Iron Age JerusalemCity of DavidWestern HillGihon SpringRock-cut poolThe paper presents discoveries from recent excavations in Areas C and H at the City of David, Jerusalem, where a sequence of Iron II strata contribute to understanding the development of ancient Jerusalem from the late 9th/early...
JERUSALEMGIHON SPRINGIRON AGE IIA POTTERYCITY OF DAVIDThe paper provides a preliminary discussion of the pottery found by Reich and Shukron in the Rock-Cut Pool near the Gihon Spring. This pottery has far-reaching implications for the dating of various parts of the Jerusalem water systems, ...