The size and design of the Giga might be based on the European Sci-fi show Primeval, the Giga depicted was considerably larger than any real world Gigas, plus the Primeval Giga has horns above its eyes similar to Arks Giga. An oversized giganotosaurus is also present in the video game Di...
rex (its smaller mass would make the impact much less powerful so the animal may have been able to recover after a running fall). Giganotosaurus and T. rex were quite similar in size, so Giganotosaurus may or may not have been a fast runner. Printouts A printout on Giganotosaurus ...
Giganotosaurus is thought to have been one of the largest theropod dinosaurs. However, the incompleteness of its remains has made it hard to estimate its true size and reliably. It is impossible to determine with absolute certainty whether it was larger than the T-Rex or smaller. Different si...
theory since Allosaurus was smaller than T. rex (its smaller mass would make the impact much less powerful so the animal may have been able to recover after a running fall). Giganotosaurus and T. rex were quite similar in size, so Giganotosaurus may or may not have been a fast runner...