)近日也发布了首款Z270主板——Aorus Z270X-GAMING 7,属于Aorus GAMING新成立家族,定位该系中高端,延续了现有Z170的GAMING 1家族风格,配备RGBLED灯效,可通过技嘉最新打造的Aorus灯效驱动任意调节背光和颜色,也支持与技嘉Xtreme Gaming系列产品联动背光。 Aorus Z270X-GAMING 7基于ATX版型打造,用料符合超耐久特性,...
The Z270X-Gaming 7 is able to support a display in 4K resolution at 60 FPS. In addition, Thunderbolt™ 3 over USB Type-C™ has revolutionary industry-first features such as Power Delivery 2.0, and the ability to daisy-chain up to 6 devices thanks to the Z270X-Gaming 7’s USB ...
The Z270X-Gaming 7 is able to support a display in 4K resolution at 60 FPS. In addition, Thunderbolt™ 3 over USB Type-C™ has revolutionary industry-first features such as Power Delivery 2.0, and the ability to daisy-chain up to 6 devices thanks to the Z270X-Gaming 7’s USB ...
Gaming 7 is able to support a display in 4K resolution at 60 FPS. In addition, Thunderbolt™ 3 over USB Type-C™ has revolutionary industry-first features such as Power Delivery 2.0, and the ability to daisy-chain up to 6 devices thanks to the Z270X-Gaming 7’s USB Type-C™ ...
Gaming 7 is able to support a display in 4K resolution at 60 FPS. In addition, Thunderbolt™ 3 over USB Type-C™ has revolutionary industry-first features such as Power Delivery 2.0, and the ability to daisy-chain up to 6 devices thanks to the Z270X-Gaming 7’s USB Type-C™ ...
GIGABYTE 技嘉 AORUS Z270X-GAMING 7 主板(Intel Z270/LGA 1151)2399元包邮什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括GIGABYTE/技嘉主板报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
技嘉AORUS Z270X-Gaming K7 主板 技嘉京东自营官方旗舰店 关注店铺 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 企业购更优惠 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 商品评价 商品问答 品牌:技嘉(GIGABYTE) 商品名称:技嘉AORUS Z270X-Gaming K7 主板 商品编号:4286304 ...
首款GIGABYTE(技嘉)“Phoenix凤凰”系列出现在B85上,一战成名后每代都有产品更新,坚持走性价比路线,到了Z270这一代凤凰又有了更大的蜕变。近日,技嘉正式发布了Z270 Phoenix Gaming主板,用料超过市场同级产品规格,还有华丽的背光灯效,适合高端游戏玩家入手。产品现已在京东发售,售价1499元,赠送酷冷至尊T400风暴散热器...
主板芯片组:Intel Z270 芯片组描述:采用Intel Z270芯片组 CPU插槽:LGA 1151 主板板型:ATX板型 内存类型:DDR4 上市时间:2017年01月 查看详细参数>> 产品简介:技嘉 Z270X-Ultra Gaming,采用Intel Z270芯片组,支持Intel 14nm处理器,支持Windows 10/8.1/7操作系统。