正如Fast Ethernet一样,Gigabit Ethernet技术在局域网络工业界大受瞩目,并旋即于1996年6月成立一个由八十多家公司组成的GEA联盟(GigabitEthernet Alliance)。GEA的任务在于协助802.3z工作小组制定标准,并指导世人Gigabit Ethernet的应用,以及制定客户产品之间的互通性标准。 Gigabit Ethernet打着高出Fast Ethernet数十倍速度...
ethernet cable- any of several types of coaxial cable used in ethernets LAN,local area network- a local computer network for communication between computers; especially a network connecting computers and word processors and other electronic office equipment to create a communication system between office...
Many, real-time, networked applications require a given quality of server (QoS), which might relate tobandwidth requirements, latency (network delays) and jitter. Unfortunately, there is nothing built into Ethernet that allows for a QoS, thus new techniques have been developed to overcome this. ...
ethernet, and if a packet needs to cross several routers or collides with another packet on the wire, it takes significantly longer to reach its destination. so although gigabit ethernet has 10 times more throughput capacity than a fast ethernet, latency times are not significantly reduced. atm,...
gigabitethernet控制芯片芯片网络pci 众所周知,当前GigabitEthernet(千兆以太网)已经将Ethernet世界带入新的纪元,它是下个世纪延伸以太局域网络技术的最佳解决方案。因为在经济成本的原则下,GigabitEthernet不但能够满足消耗大量网络带宽的应用软件的需要,而且由于使用原有Ethernet的架构为基础,不必更换正在使用的网络和操作系统...
57847 - 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) - Update to RX Elastic Buffer to avoid possible underflow, latency increased Description If using the v3.0 or earlier 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA core, under certain conditions it is possible to underflow the RX elastic buffer. Some...
10.《Improving Measured Latency in Linux for Intel 82575/82576 or 82598/82599 Ethernet Controllers》链接丢失 11.《Assigning Interrupts to Processor Cores using an Intel 82575/82576 or 82598/82599 Ethernet Controller》链接丢失 12.各种网卡芯片的datasheet,链接在4中可以找到 ...
Versatile Compatibility - With extreme speed and ultra-low latency, 2.5GBase-T is backwards compatible with Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet, automatically negotiating between higher and lower speed connections. Low-Profile and Full-Height Brackets - In addition to the standard bracket, a low-profi...
Quality of service (QoS) features reduced latency problems and offers better video and audio services Highly affordable to own Compatible with existing installed Ethernet nodes Transfers a large amount of data quickly Advertisements Related Terms 1000Base-T Ethernet Asynchronous Transfer Mode Institute of ...
Put simply, Gigabit Ethernet is the fastest version of Ethernet that's currently available to a large portion of the population. Gigabit Ethernet has a maximum throughput of 1,000Mbps (Megabits per second), which is equal to one Gbps (Gigabits per second), though Google Fiber customers can ...