Gigagrams are also known as kilotons or kilotonnes, which are derived from the word “kilo”, meaning “thousand”. The kiloton was originally defined as the energy released by one thousand tons of TNT exploding, but was later redefined as 1000 megagrams or 4.184 petajoules. The kiloton ...
You can view more details on each measurement unit: giganewton or kilonewton The SI derived unit for force is the newton. 1 newton is equal to 1.0E-9 giganewton, or 0.001 kilonewton. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to ...
One kilohenry is equal to 1,000 henries, which are the inductance of a conductor with onevoltof electromotive force when thecurrentis increased by oneamperepersecond. The kilohenry is a multiple of thehenry, which is theSIderived unit for electrical inductance. In the metric system, "kilo"...
mega-electronvolt (MeV) kilo-electronvolt (keV) electronvolt (eV) other energy units british thermal unit (Btu) million btu (MMBtu) therm (thm) quad (quad) erg (erg) megatonne TNT (Mt) kilotonne TNT (kT) Foot-pound (ft-lb) Destination unit Joule family exajoule (EJ) petajoule (PJ...
kilometers km Metric System 1 km = 1,000 m megameters Mm Metric System 1 Mm = 1,000,000 m gigameters Gm Metric System 1 Gm = 1,000,000,000 m nautical miles M or NM or nmi Non-SI (International) 1 nmi = 1,852 meters angstroms Å Non-SI (International) 10,000,000,000 Å...
kilo,mega,giga,tera以及peta是用来表示某物数量的前缀,例如在计算与通信中的字节数或比特数。这些前缀有时叫作前缀乘数,它们也使用在电子和物理领域。每个乘数由一个字母的缩写和这个乘数所代表的前缀组成。 在通信,电子以及物理领域,这些乘数定义为10的幂,在10-24到10 24之间,相邻乘数间的增量为三个数量级(10...
I am not keeping this page up to date. Please visit instead. Here is a summary of memory size names and their corresponding address sizes. Many people memorize this type of inf
Enter a value in gigahenries below to convert to another unit of electrical inductance. Convert To: HenriesMicrohenriesMillihenriesKilohenriesMegahenriesAbhenriesStathenries Value: Contact Us Results: What Is a Gigahenry? By Joe Sexton
mega-electronvolt (MeV) kilo-electronvolt (keV) electronvolt (eV) other energy units british thermal unit (Btu) million btu (MMBtu) therm (thm) quad (quad) erg (erg) megatonne TNT (Mt) kilotonne TNT (kT) Foot-pound (ft-lb) Destination unit Joule family exajoule (EJ) petajoule (PJ...
The answer is 1.0123615485564E+23. We assume you are converting betweenkilofootandgigaparsec. You can view more details on each measurement unit:kilofootorgigaparsecThe SI base unit forlengthis the metre. 1 metre is equal to 0.0032808398950131 kilofoot, or 3.2407788498994E-26 gigaparsec. Note th...