One year, when I was maybe 13 or 14 and he was eight or nine, we both asked for dirt bikes for Christmas. I had several friends who went out with their dads on the weekend to the track or out to the desert and I wanted my own bike to go with them. I wasn't necessarily...
Every day Helen wore the 4 brown dress to school, some of the neighbors whispered that Helen's daddy was 5 , and that he drank. Some didn't 6 want their kids to be friends with Helen.One day in December I said to Mom,“Wouldn't it be nice to get Helen a 7 for Christmas?”Mom...
In human economies, where creating and de- stroying human beings is at stake, a person may be deval- ued to the point of death for failing to recognize the value of those with power to enforce claims of having provided life.3 Thus, church members commonly attribute their mis- fortunes ...