Principal private residence relief can exempt some or all of the gain realised on the disposal of a house. However, the property needs to have been your “main residence” at some point. Furthermore, from April 6 2025 you need either to have been resident in the country in which the prop...
The season for giving is just around the corner, but parentsmight want to think twice before...Grant, Tim
The main challenge for the second iteration, in July 2019, was to make a powerful experience easy to use when it was fully ‘in the wild’ with no human intervention beyond a minimal degree of promotion by the museum’s own front of house staff. This posed a great challenge for Blast ...
When I went to Paris I learned that it is very important to give a thank you gift whenever you are invited to someone’s house. Being from the US my first idea for a “thank you for having me to your house” gift would be a bottle of wine. While I’m sure it wouldn’t be thr...