Custodial Roth IRA: Typically used for adult retirement savings, a Roth IRA can also be set up for an income-earning, taxpaying minor by an adult custodian and transferred to them upon reaching adulthood. Contributions are made with after-tax money, and gains are tax-free. In 2024, contribu...
bride price - money or property given (in some societies) by the bridegroom to the family of his bride largess, largesse - a gift or money given (as for service or out of benevolence); usually given ostentatiously economic aid, financial aid, aid - money to support a worthy person or ...
So really interesting article talking about giving the gift of estate planning to your grandchildren, and what you would have to do is have your child set up that estate plan, appointing guardianship, maybe you as the grandparent would be the guardian and trustee of that money. Just something...
At the same time, inheritances are often given when a loved one dies, and they typically give their money to their children. Here’s the problem, most people are already established adults and don’t need the money by the time their parents pass. Let’s put it this way: Would you rat...
From the Estate Planning and Probate Group Many individuals know that lifetime gifts to children and other loved ones can reduce or eliminate estate taxes otherwise due upon death. Yet many are not aware of the options to leverage their gifts to produce