Education policy makers have struggled for decades with the question of how to best serve high ability K‐12 students. As in the debate over selective college admissions, a key issue is targeting. Should gifted and talented programs be allocated on the basis of cognitive ability, or a broader...
S. (2005). Applying gifted education pedagogy to total talent development for all students. Theory into Practice, 44, 80-89. doi 10.1207/s15430421tip4402_2Renzulli, J. S. (2005). Applying gifted education pedagogy to total talent development for all students. Theory into practice, 44(2), ...
Gifted education refers to the evolution of educational practices aimed at providing services to a small group of identified gifted or talented children to now encompassing talent development for all students. This approach recognizes the diverse qualities of giftedness beyond traditional measures of intel...
Designed for teachers, this resource guide on gifted education discusses the identification of gifted students and different types of educational strategies that teachers can use with gifted students. Topics include: (1) providing gifted students with the most enabling learning environment possible; (2)...
Education, nearly 60% of students in gifted programs were white, despite the fact that only 47% of all public school students were white. Likewise, Black students were also underrepresented in gifted programs during the same school year, making up just 8% of the students in gifted programs ...
There were no differences between tl1e self-concept scores of the gifted students who had undertaken special programs and the self-concept scores of the gifted students who had not. This finding suggests that there is no negative effect on self-concept due to gifted education. On inspection of...
Minnesota increased spending forgifted educationafter reports that the state's brightest students were falling behind.───有报道称明尼苏达州的聪明学生在逐渐落后之后,该州则增加了在天才儿童教育方面的开销。 Education Section of the Education Bureau is conducting the captioned territory-wide baseline survey...
今天本人介绍下卡尔加里教育局项下的天才班-GATE(Gifted and Talented Education)。 一、GATE 项目定义 按照阿尔伯塔省教育厅的定义,天才学生是指相对于同龄其他学生在学习速度、掌握知识深度、推理能力和解决问题能力等方面有明显杰出表现的学生。天才学生的才能不仅仅局限在智力和学术方面,还包括创造性思维、社交、艺术...
Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Students Education or AGATE is an organization that focuses on the promotion of adequate education for gifted children. The minds of gifted children develop differently from average kids. More often than not, their rapid rate of learning causes them to be ...