Resources for gifted individuals and their families. A blog by International Centre for the Gifted & Talented (Hong Kong).
I’ve gone to home visit this morning. The mother is worried that her 13 year old son with High Functioning Autism/Asperger who refused to go to school in the past two months, may not be willing to talk about his school problems. Actually, her son is very transparent, perceptive and ex...
In Australia, gifted and talented Aboriginal students have been identified as the most educationally disadvantaged group in the education system. Suitable provision and the accommodation for inclusion of gifted Aboriginal students are needed across all s
Gifted education in particular has seen significant investment in the further expansion and development of specialised programs and curriculum, with the most recent government plan for the promotion of gifted and talented education (2013–2017) focusing on the utilisation of the STEAM education model....
gifted and talented students; student engagement; underachievement; disengagement; (re)engagement; profiles of gifted learners; personalised learning Graphical Abstract1. Introduction Underachievement is a frequently researched topic in the field of gifted and talented education [1]. However, sometimes this...