The gift of Magi麦琪的礼物英语鉴赏.pdf,The story opens with $1.87. Thats all Della Dillingham Young has to buy a present for her beloved husband, Jim. And the next day is Christmas. Faced with such a situation, Della promptly bursts into tears on the cou
The Gift of the Magi(麦琪的礼物) O.henry 著 麦琪的礼物是一本欧·亨利的短篇小说精选集。欧·亨利与莫泊桑、契诃夫并称世界三大短篇小说之王。他的作品语言诙谐、情节曲折、风格独树一帜,以幽默的笔触真实地勾勒出了生活的各个层面,为我们呈现了大变动时期五彩斑斓的美国社会现实。普通人的喜怒哀乐、生活况味...
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《the_gift_of_the_magi 麦琪的礼物英文版 欧亨利.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the_gift_of_the_magi 麦琪的礼物英文版 欧亨利.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 The Gift of the Magi p The Gift of the Magi O NE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-SEVEN CENTS. That was all. She had put it...
The Gift of the Magi(麦琪的礼物),麦琪的礼物是一本欧·亨利的短篇小说精选集。 欧·亨利与莫泊桑、契诃夫并称世界三大短篇小说之王。他的作品语言诙谐、情节曲折、风格独树一帜,以幽默的笔触真实地勾勒出了生活的各个层面,为我们呈现了大变动时期五彩斑斓的美国社会
THEGIFTOFTHEMAGI WrittenByO.Henry 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会——TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会——TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会——TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会——TheGiftOf...
麦琪的礼物 英文版 The Gift of the Magi One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of pa...
1、The Gift of the Magi0. HenryIt was Christmas, and Della and Jim wan ted to give each other special gifts.They had no extra money, but they each could sacrifice something dear.Once dollar and eighty - seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved...