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David Tennant confirmed to revive beloved show Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this site. Some Cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you; these Cookies fire automatically and are not...
These nifty tiles let you keep track of your keys, wallet, purse, and cellphone. Just open the app. The tile will ring it if it’s nearby, or you can check the map for its last known location. The best deal is a pack of 8 for $75.00, but you can also buy a 4-pack for $40...
the cue giver will draw a card that has four colors on it. These colors correspond to a specific hue of the 480 colors on the board. The cue giver’s goal is to get the other players to guess the hue, but, naturally, without saying any color. The other players...
By 1980, Rubik’s nifty contraption was in the hands of Ideal Toy & Novelty Company, which renamed it Rubik’s Cube. The puzzle was an instant success, selling 100 million units within the first two years alone. In the time since, a peripheral sphere of competitions, books, and imitator...
but it looks like it could be decent and Dreamworks seems to have cleaned up their act recently, actually delivering some quality animation, so that’s why this book made the cut. Rise of the Guardians Art Of book includes a forward by Alec Baldwin and comes in a nifty hardcover edition ...
They pulled out all their iconic wardrobe from the Original Trilogy and got high res photos of them as well as nifty vintage photography of the actors actually wearing them. Super cool book to get the Star Wars nerd who has everything. And yes, there's a whole chapter on Leia's metal ...
Nifty, eh? Saves you valuable ripping time. $6.99. When I was a kid I memorized Bill Cosby's Himself special and I used to recite it for the neighbor kids. I learned a valuable lesson that day: stealing jokes and passing them off as your own totally makes you more popular. Mr. ...
(and lovely human being himself) Daniel Falconer (if you saw Elvish writing in the LOTR movies it was more than likely by his hand) designed this map of New Zealand which pointpoints exactly where on the North and South Island they filmed what location. It's a pretty nifty, "thinking ...
You never know when you're going to end up travelling to some icy wasteland or an alien Arctic world, so come prepared with this nifty scarf, as worn by Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 37 Vintage Doctor Who pocket watch with chain £23 at Amazo...