Whether journeying to far off lands or staying close to home, a sturdy,well-designed carry-onis worth its weight in gold. In line with TUMI’s reputation for quality, the Alpha International Dual Access firmly adheres to that brief – with some nifty enhancements to boot. TUMI is also wel...
Nifty to have when Gholdengo is around. I really can't think of other hazard removal options outside of this and Corviknight, maybe Iron Treads. I feel like it can be kept for now until meta changes make it harder to deal with. Somehow, incredibly great as a fast pivot akin to Tap...
If dad has just got himself a new pair of Bluetooth headphones, he’s going to need the Airfly Pro. This nifty little gadget can plug into a traditional headphone jack to augment any device with a strong and reliable Bluetooth connection, with the ability to connect two headphones at...