created on my own, or that I have modified using other freely distributed art as a PUBLIC SERVICE. It was created by me as a not for profit hobby and my goal is to keep it running in perpetuity even after I'm gone. Left as an internet time capsule, if you will, containing a broad...
This Asus HD Laptop is an amazon’s choice for ‘chrome computer laptop’ is reviewed by 980+ reviewers that is available at only $249.99. It is ready for productivity and performance while being on the go or travelling, with speedy performance, robust security, and convenience for the user....
Dithering is probably best for large files that are not animated. Wow, I need to break this section up or start a new part; a good author doesn’t go above 10 steps or so in a written tutorial. Okay: Don’t choose Make Background transparent because there’s nothing transparent in ...
You are often certain. Today, you are sure that you are lost. Don’t worry; it happens. Let the team know so they can get you back on track. Break time GIFs “Break Time” GIFs are your go-to when it’s time to unwind and recharge. Use these friendly and informal animations to ...
A man learns the hard way that there is meaning to the phrase Trick Or Treat. Halloween with the Frankenstein monster. Slow zombie dragging his butt around. (transparent zombie gif image). Happy Halloween with a spooky skull. An animated Halloween sign with jack-o'-lantern. Don't use your...
slick new identity, somethingevolved. I experimented with a couple writing projects privately, but nothing stuck. And thenthat damn voicestarted talking to me again– the one that belongs to a girl with fire-engine red hair and ruthless daydreams. I couldn’t let her go again, soI’m back...
Updated information is hard to come by however, we can point out that captive breeding of Alligator Sinensis continues at the Memphis Zoo, Cincinnati Zoo, Toledo Zoo, St. Louis Zoo, Philadelphia Zoo, San Diego Zoo and the Smithsonian National Zoo. Some gators hatched at these locations ...
…because we all were ready to drop everything and go look for chester coppperpot and nothing’s gonna stop us now – the best moments from mannequin let ’em say we’re crazy, i don’t care about that – mannequin is the best the funniest lines from beverly hills cop eddie murphy ...
You know the feeling when writing the email for your campaign, and you can just use the GIF that would fit the cup. Google Images Looking for a free source for GIFs? Google Images is the convenient option to go for. Here’s what you need to do: Enter the search time like yummy ...
A scarecrow that is very good at his job. Perhaps he is just excited because he knows Thanksgiving is coming. Pilgrim, turkey, pumpkin, flowers. Happy Thanksgiving with autumn leaves, pumpkin and cute kitten. Happy Thanksgiving with a pilgrim and a native plus fall leaves. Give Thanks with...