GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia will co-locate with the well-established wire & Tube Southeast Asia trade fairs gathering a synergistic supply chain under a single roof. Share articles Request for Support Let the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) support and facilitate your next Meetin...
METEC Southeast Asia The International Metallurgical Trade Fair and Forum for Southeast Asia is the region's niche trade fair focused on metallurgy, steel casting and steel production and will be held synergistically alongside GIFA Southeast Asia. Read More... wire Southeast Asia Leading procurement ...
GIFA Southeast Asia 20259/17/2025 - 9/19/2025Bangkok, Thailand GIFA Southeast Asia 20239/20/2023 - 9/22/2023Bangkok, Thailand GIFA Southeast Asia 202210/5/2022 - 10/7/2022Bangkok, Thailand Related Events: NADCA Die Casting Congress & Exposition 2027 ...
Your Gateway To Grow Your Business in Southeast Asia The international trade fair duo of GIFA and METEC Indonesia is the region’s most important regional trade fair for specialised casting technologies and ideal platform for meetings and business, for international buyers, users, experts and decisio...
这就是杜塞尔多夫展览公司进入墨西哥市场的决定性原因——墨西哥铸造展GIFA Mexico计划从2024年开始每两年举办一次。墨西哥是一个蓬勃发展的地区,提供巨大的增长潜力,尤其是铸造行业。这就是为什么扩大杜塞尔多夫铸造展GIFA不断扩大其展会品牌。继印度孟买压铸展METEC India、泰国铸造展METEC Southeast Asia、埃及铸造展...
Be part of GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia in Bangkok from September 17 to 19, 2025! Mehr dazu Growth market Türkiye The Bright World of Metals expands global network to include ANKIROS/TURKCAST and ALUEXPO Press release Trend report Whether sustainability, electrification or energy and res...
The world's most important trade fair for the foundry industry will take place in Düsseldorf from 21.06. - 25.06.2023. Let's go to GIFA 2027!
The foundry and metallurgy industry in Egypt has a long history, with evidence of metalworking dating back to ancient times. In modern times, the industry . GIFA Middle East Africa 2025 is held in Cairo, Egypt, from 9/6/2025 to 9/6/2025 in Egypt Internat
GIFA Southeast Asia is an International Foundry Fair and Forum for Southeast Asia. It will exhibit diverse foundry systems like casting machines, pouring equipment, molding, core making, etc. The event provides a platform for industry professionals to connect with a quality target audience from the...
GIFA Southeast Asia es una feria y foro internacional de fundición para el sudeste asiático. En él se exhibirán diversos sistemas de fundición, como máquinas de fundición, equipos de colada, moldeo, fabricación de núcleos, etc. El evento ofrece una plataforma para que los profesionales...