透明度设置:GIF支持指定一个像素的索引作为透明色,使得背景可以透过该像素显示。 文件列表 GIF-encoder-master.zip(预估有个12文件) GIF-encoder-master .gitignore36B src stb_image.c161KB BitFile.c2KB BitFile.h309B GIFmain.c1KB GIFencoder.c9KB ...
gif-encoderexportsGifEncoder, a constructor function which extendsreadable-stream@~1.1.9. This means you can use anystreams1/streams2functionality. I will re-iterate what this means below. //streams1 vargif=newGifEncoder(10,10); gif.on('data',console.log); ...
GIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant). Squeezes maximum possible quality from the awful GIF format. gifpngquantgif-creatorgif-animationgifencoder UpdatedNov 3, 2024 Rust bilibili/BurstLinker Star142 Code Issues Pull requests 🚀 A simple GIF encoder for Android. ...
Gif编码器 gifencoder gifencoder 这是一个Java写的图片转Gif的框架 https://github.com/square/gifencoder 本来想搜一下视频转Gif的相关框架的,找到了一个用JavaScript写 https://github.com/vvo/gifify ,但是我在安装其配置需求 ImageMagick 时发现 用命令$ brew install imagemagick --with-fontconfig时,安装到...
Der eindeutige Bezeichner des integrierten GIF-Encoders. C# publicstaticGuid GifEncoderId {get; } Eigenschaftswert Guid Der eindeutige Bezeichner des integrierten GIF-Encoders. Gilt für: ProduktVersionen WinRTBuild 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build...
imagegif($im); //转为gif格式 imagedestroy($im); //销毁图像 $imagedata[] = ob_get_contents(); //创建这一帧的图像数据 ob_clean(); } $diy[]=0;//开始延迟时间 $gif = new GIFEncoder($imagedata,$diy,0,2,0,0,0,"bin"); //实例化gif编码对象 ...
* ImageCode 生成GIF图片验证 * @param $string 字符串 * @param $width 宽度 * @param $height 高度 * */ function ImageCode($string = '', $width = 75, $height = 25) { $authstr = $string ? $string : ((time() % 2 == 0) ? mt_rand(1000, 9999) : mt_rand(10000, 99999));...
由于gifencoder提供的api只有GifEncoder这个类,所以也没办法,功能比较单一,这个框架是square开发组织两年前的作品了,上次更新代码是9个月前,所以近期不太会有更新了,大家就随便看看吧。 gifencoder框架地址https://github.com/square/gifencoder
链接: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/11505/NGif-Animated-GIF-Encoder-for-NET 2.代码使用 1)多个Image生成一个GIF——Encoder; 2)一个GIF解析出多个Image——Decoder. 3.优秀应用 可视化对比十多种排序算法(C#版)http://blog.jobbole.com/72850/...
gifencoder is a pure Java library implementing theGIF89a specification. It does not use AWT'sBufferedImage, so it can be used on Android and other platforms lacking AWT. There is currently no support for transparency. GIF images are limited to 256 colors. If you supply an image with more ...