Gibco FreeStyle CHO-S Cells 说明书 FreeStyle™ CHO-S™ Cells Catalog Number R80007 Pub. No. MAN0007832 Rev. C.0 WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear,clothing, and gloves. Safety Data Sheets (SDS...
Product Catalog no. Amount Storage Shelf life* TrypLE™ Express (1X), no phenol red 12604-013 12604-021 12604-039 12604-054 100 mL 500 mL 20 × 100 mL 5 L 15°C to 30°C; Protect from light 24 months TrypLE™ Express (1X), phenol red 12605-010 12605-028 12605-036 12605-...
We and our affiliates and vendors use cookies and similar technologies to operate our sites, recognize visitors to our sites, provide secure log-in, collect statistics to optimize site functionality, and deliver content tailored to your interests. Click Accept All to accept all cookies and go dire...
Gibco Primary Mouse Cortex和Hippocampus Neurons产品说明 Primary mouse cortex and hippocampus neurons Catalog Numbers A15585, A15586, and A15587 Pub. No. MAN0008351 Rev.B.0 WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear...
Gibco CD Hybridoma Medium 产品说明书 CD Hybridoma Medium Catalog Numbers 11279023, 12372025, 12372017, 12372001, 12372003 Pub. No. MAN0007307 Rev.3.0 WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. ...
Comparison of the different options available Standard catalog media Media test panel Development or optimization service Definition Standard catalog products include our off-the-shelf CHO media, feed and supplement options. Developed media panels with diverse formulations offering improved specificity, without...
5 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: 培养基gibco配方litomosoidesmossingeranhyd ProductTechnicalResources CellLinesBrowse• CellLinesAdvancedSearch• TechnicalResources-MediaFormulations 11875-RPMI1640 CatalogNumber(s): 11875085,11875093,11875101,11875119,11875127,11875135,11875168,11875176 Comp...
[2013/7/18星期四0:45:29] Home>Products&Services>TechnicalResources>MediaFormulationDetailDisplay ProductTechnical Resources CellLinesBrowse CellLinesAdvancedSearch TechnicalResources-Media Formulations 11965-DMEM,highglucose CatalogNumber(s): 11965084,11965092,11965118,11965126,11965167,11965175 Components Molecular...
Catalog numberC11885500CP Price (JPY)/ 10 × 500 mL ERR#1200 - This item cannot be ordered online. Delivery information Standard Products- 1-2 business days for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and provincial capitals, 2-3 business days for 2nd-tier cities, and 4 business days for ...
Have Questions? 货号C11095500CP 价格(CNY)/ 10 × 500 mL ERR#1200 - 本商品不能在线订购。 物流信息 常规产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 1-2天,二线城市通常 2-3天,三线以及偏远地区通常 4天,周末以及节假日顺延。 空运受限产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 2-4天,二线城市 通常3-5...