12605-036 12605-093 100 mL 500 mL 20 × 100 mL 5 L 15°C to 30°C; Protect from light 24 months TrypLE™ Select (1X), no phenol red 12563-011 12563-029 100 mL 500 mL 15°C to 30°C; Protect from light 24 months TrypLE™ Select (10X), no phenol red A12177-01 A12177-...
Select(10X),nophenolredA12177-01 A12177-02 A12177-03 100mL 500mL 20×100mL 15°Cto30°C;Protectfromlight24months *ShelflifedurationisdeterminedfromDateofManufacture. Productuse TrypLE ™ Express: ForResearchUseOnly.Notforuseindiagnosticprocedures. ...
Select(10X),nophenolredA12177-01 A12177-02 A12177-03 100mL 500mL 20×100mL 15°Cto30°C;Protectfromlight24months *ShelflifedurationisdeterminedfromDateofManufacture. Productuse TrypLE ™ Express: ForResearchUseOnly.Notforuseindiagnosticprocedures. ...