Welcome to GIANTS Software, the home of the Farming Simulator suite of games and creators of the GIANTS Engine SDK.
Farming Simulator 192018 年 11 月 19 日 百万销量的品牌以全新的图形引擎、让人着迷的游戏玩法以及身临其境的视效又向前迈出重要一步,诚邀您体验有史以来最大型的农耕模拟游戏。 ¥ 58.00 Farming Simulator 172016 年 10 月 24 日 由Giants Software 开发的 Farming Simulator 17 邀请您进入充满挑战的现代农夫...
GIANTS Software will be presenting Farming Simulator 22 at this year’s PAX East show in Boston. From webcomic to real-life game show: Since its inception in 2004 as Penny Arcade Expo, PAX has become one of the best-known gaming shows. A community-event at heart, PAX invites players, d...
says Boris Stefan, CSO & Head of Publishing at GIANTS Software. "The continued growth of Farming Simulator and its unique, dedicated community is a testament to the shared passion of both players and us at GIANTS Software being stronger than ever. We couldn’t be more excited for what’s...
GIANTS Software and Straight4 Studios are working together to integrate the GIANTS Engine into Project Motor Racing since 2023, after establishing a technical partnership to create high quality simulation games. Farming Simulator VR Hands-on virtual farming: Farming Simulator VR is a brand-new farmin...
© 2025 GIANTS Software GmbH. Farming Simulator, GIANTS Software and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software GmbH. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks ...
Discover GIANTS Software! We are the creators behind the globally renowned Farming Simulator series. But our expertise extends beyond development—we’re also a publisher, engine developers, modding enthusiasts, and more. Plus, we’re growing our team!
GIANTS Software是一家专注于电子游戏开发与发行的公司,以其知名的《Farming Simulator》系列而广受好评。以下是对该公司的详细介绍: 一、公司概况 GIANTS Software自2004年成立以来,便致力于电子游戏的开发与发行,总部位于瑞士。公司不仅在瑞士苏黎世设有总部,还在德国埃尔兰根、美国芝加哥、...
由Giants Software发行的《模拟农场》系列自诞生以来,便以其逼真的模拟农业体验赢得了广大玩家的喜爱。11月12日,系列最新力作《模拟农场25》(Farming Simulator 25)全平台上线,首日便吸引超过12.5万名Steam玩家同时在线,首周全球销量更是突破200万套,让人不得不感叹该系列对玩家的非凡吸引力。《模拟农场》系列从最初...