A comprehensive guide to the giants of Greek mythology including Typhoeus, Gigantes, Alcyoneus, Enceladus, Antaeus, Polyphemus, Cyclopes, Laestryogones, Aloadae, Geryon, and many other minor giants.
(Gigantes), in ancient Greek mythology, monstrous giants born of Gaea, goddess of earth, from drops of the blood of Uranus, god of heaven. Taking pride in their strength, the Giants revolted against the gods of Olympus. Only with the help of the Cyclopes, who forged thunderbolts for Zeus...
gods' victory over the giants, as the triumph of Greek civilization over barbarism, or of good over evil. Two special groups of giants, also the children of Gaia, were the Cyclopes* and the Hundred-Armed giants. The three Cyclopes each had one eye in the middle of the forehead. The ...
A giant in the field of physics. Automotive industry giants. Jets An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream. Giants Greek Mythology One of a race of humanlike beings of enormous strength and stature who were destroyed in battle with the Olympians. Jets Something emitted ...
In Greek mythology the gigantes were (according to the poet Hesiod) the children of Uranos and Gaea (The Heaven and the Earth). They were involved in a conflict with the Olympian gods called the Gigantomachy , which was eventually settled when the hero Heracles decided to help the Olympians...
6.giant- an imaginary figure of superhuman size and strength; appears in folklore and fairy tales imaginary being,imaginary creature- a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or myths or fiction Argus- (Greek mythology) a giant with 100 eyes; was guardian of the ...
In Greek mythology Alcyoneus was the King of the Thracian Gigantes (Giantss) who was immortal within the confines of his homeland of Pallene. Heracles encountered Alcyoneus during his travels. He sneaked up upon the giant as he slept and disabled him wit
1. in Greek mythology, any race of huge beings of human form who warred with the gods.2. any imaginary being of human form but of superhuman size and strength.3. a person of great size, strength, intellect, etc." In the above, note that the word, "giant", from the Greek means ...
In the same year, a similar claim of discovered giant remains came from Bulgaria in the town of Varna. What was particularly interesting about this find is the location was once the ancient Greek City of Odessos. The mythology of this long ago city run rampant with stories of giants. As ...
In Greek mythology the younger Cyclopes were a tribe of primitive, one-eyed giants who dwelt in caves and herded flocks of sheep on the island of Sicily. The first of these giants, in both strength and stature, was Polyphemos. Unlike the rest of the trib