Furthermore, these interactions have been studied mostly using small lipid vesicles (< 1 μm), although the size of biological cells is much greater. In this study, we studied the interaction between GO and cell-sized giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). We especially examined the effect of ...
Corporate, Small Business, and individually licensed personal editions of Microsoft’s Windows Operating System(s) be subjugated and marginalized by a company that treats customer as a supplicant(s), a muse, a jester, serf, or a subject of Microsoft’s corporate “Royal Court”....
To study whether the S protein has a HAP2/GCS1 activity, the protein sequences related to fertilization were downloaded from the UniProt database (keyword “Fertilization”). Then, the local MEME tool was adopted to search for the conserved result domains of S and fertilization-related proteins...
The sock-and-sandal scandal didn't stop there -- as Twitter users pointed out, the slides seemed way too small for Kanye's paternal faux pas feet. Did he grab North West's slippers by mistake? Tweet may have been deleted I mean, sure, it's definitely a look. Who among us hasn't...
8xf0/TbFTvA47e6I/AAAAAAAABa0/h3zzuNlxp80/mlp___fim_meme_by_kitty_kitty_koneko-d35zovy.png) four (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTwJJdSkI/AAAAAAAABa4/oFOMSgU0MHk/my_little_pony_memes_are_magic_by_scruffytoto-d37x352.jpg) examples made by other ponies :small...
:smallamused: Can I cheer you on instead? I'd really rather do that than the other thing. I don't get that candlejack jokes. Never heard of that meme. Is that new? It's fairly old, as these things go. (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/candlejack) Never liked it, myself. Which...
Know Your Meme: Ponies! (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic) Allspark MLP Discussion Thread (http://www.allspark.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76678&st=0&start=0) Art Resources OC Pony Creation Guide: ...
However, the grouting quantity ratio of SAC slurry is larger than the C-S slurry, which indicates that the influence of groundwater on left lane is characterized by a small degree of impact, but a large range. It is noted that the total grouting quantity per meter of D3K279 + 938 ...
In contrast, materials undergoing second order transitions (SOT) exhibit relatively small values of ∆SM over wide working temperature intervals [4,5]. The advantage of using materials with a large ∆SM at the SOT is the complete reversibility of the magnetization process. Magnetic refrigerant ...
As illustrated in Figure 1, stronger scattering of electrons with spin antiparallel to the magnetization direction produces a large resistance (represented by RH), while weaker scattering produces a small resistance (represented by Sensors 2018, 18, 148 3 of 20 RL) for the other spin direction. ...