True Bugs Versus Insects Giant water bugs are classified as true bugs, belonging to the orderHemiptera. While all true bugs are insects, not all insects are true bugs. Here’s a comparison table for true bugs and other insects: Giant water bugs are one of the many diverse species within t...
They contain tiny granules stocked with proteases and bactericidal substances, and upon activation have the capacity to release oxygen radical species, peroxides that help kill microbes. Activated polymorphonuclear cells also produce chemokines, small soluble protein factors that attract cells to the site ...
The elimination of the energetic dangling bonds present at the edges of a tiny graphite sheet is supposed to be the driving force to induce curvature and closure in fullerenes; this phenomenon is also associated with the formation of larger systems, such as nanotubes and graphitic particles. The...
This shift is explained by an unseen third object exerting agravitational pullon the two stars, so that sometimes the light has to travel a little further and sometimes a little less to reach us. From their measurements, the Chinese team deduced that there is a giant planet, with a minimum...
(as well as his ability to get the rest of us to perform the mechanics in a somewhat reasonable way), but still, getting all the golds on my mage, even if I was sorta carried, has got to mean that there might be some teeny tiny glimmer of hope that I might not be a completely ...
But it’s no wonder the winner is so special. It takes about 100 days for each tiny sperm cell to become mature enough to fertilize an egg. And many sperm are reabsorbed by a man’s body before getting even the chance to try. Of the contenders that do get the opportunity, half lose...
the human body dislikes such things and reacts accordingly. So what is assumed to be benign often turns out very badly as they are really an experiment on you rather than a provenly safe technology. You’re going to see a lot more of ...
Intron size was compared between lungfish, axolotl, human and fugu for one-to-one orthologues. Intron sizes of each gene were calculated from the .gff files of each genome. Genes without a start codon were removed to avoid the pseudo-intron order. The intron size was compared first in absol...
“Tell me, what’s the worth of 100 or even 10 mio human lives?” It doesn’t matter except to you, me, and a tiny percentage of the economy. Since you asked, the value is N for number of lives times $188.36. That’s the average cost of life insurance capped at $250,000. Pro...
This, paradoxically, benefits the host cell since the virophages are tiny relative to the colossal mimivirus (50 nm versus 750 nm; 20 genes versus 1000). Virophages also infect the phycodnaviruses that infect algae. They reduce algal death from phycodnaviruses and overall promote growth of ...